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42% Outperformance From Being Purpose-Driven Is What Consultancy EY Found...

...Here’s How To Join Them :

BRAND NEW BOOK: How to Build a Personally Meaningful, Fulfilling and Satisfying Business

...Without Compromising Integrity or Profits

... New book written by a seasoned accountant and business coach with 30 years of experience working with purpose-driven individuals...

From the Desk of Andy Turnbull

London, England

Dear Business Owner,

If you’d like to:

  • make a difference with your work and

  • build something that matters to you

  • that will keep you motivated and

  • fulfilled for years to come

  • Then this ebook could be the most important book you’ll ever read.

    But first, read the warning...

    Download Purpose Fuelled Profits Book
    Earnings Disclaimer

    Do NOT Buy This Book If...

    YOU'RE: not ready to take an introspective look at yourself and your business.

    YOU'RElooking for a quick fix or easy solution.

    YOU'RE: not willing to put in the work to align your business with your purpose.

    YOU'RE: not prepared to take consistent action over a period of time.

    Please Read This Disclaimer:

    Please understand that no results are guaranteed.

    Building any organisation takes time, effort and hard work.

    There’s no quick fix.

    I’ve had the benefit of being a finance director, a senior leader and a business coach. I’ve worked with inspiring leaders in purpose-fuelled organisations that punch above their weight. I’ve had the privilege of working with teams that are fired up every day to make a difference. I’ve been working with purpose-fuelled people for about 30 years.

    I can’t hope to transmit all of that experience and knowledge to you in a book and for you to get the same results as those people.

    The average person who buys any “how to” book like this gets little to no results. Your results will depend upon many factors – your background, experience, work ethic and beliefs about the world and what is worthwhile to commit your time and focus to.

    All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.

    If you’re not willing to accept that, then please DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK.

    With that out of the way, let me show you…

    Exactly What You're Getting...

    First of all, this isn’t like many other business books you’ll read.

    There are no unrealistic projections that you can’t hope to repeat, there are no latest fads or slimy techniques.

    There’s no technical stuff to learn, no software or spreadsheets required.

    These are tried and tested principles that work for major brands and can work for you too - and possibly better!

    It’s not a long book - you can read it in an afternoon. But it’s not so simplistic that there’s nothing of any depth.

    And It’s About MORE Than Just Purpose.

    You see, you can use the principles in this book not just to create something that is personally rewarding and satisfying (more than just paying the bills) but to achieve more than most people could have predicted.

    For example:

    I’ve used the same principles to inspire my finance teams, to such an extent that someone uncovered a fraud and put themselves at some risk to do the right thing for the organisation.

    A new start-up used these same principles to completely redesign their approach to what they were going to do. As a result, they avoided a huge financial commitment that was going to cause stress and anxiety and instead has found a much lower risk, more exciting way forward.

    One small organisation I worked for used to regularly get called by the national government for advice and invited to bid for work because they were viewed as clearly on purpose, trustworthy and acting with high integrity.

    So like I said, there's more to this little book than "just" purpose!

    Yes, I Want The Book
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    And no, there's no hidden subscription to get locked into - it's just a one time charge for a book.

  • Purpose Fueled Profits Book

    This book...

  • Is as instantly downloadable digital book

  • Is readable in an afternoon

  • Might inspire you for a lifetime

  • Could transform the way you see and run your business forever

  • Here’s a fraction of what you’re getting…

    All Of This And More Is In The Book Which You Can Get Hold Of Today...

    • One benefit that small organisations can use to beat multinationals hands-down. See how it works on Page 67.

    • Three simple words that could keep you on the straight and narrow for years to come. Find out what they are on Page 25.

    • Differentiate yourself from the competition and give yourself endless possibilities for marketing content. Discover how on Page 149.

    • If you’re feeling overwhelmed, why this might be the next best thing to cloning yourself! Page 12.

    • Why being customer-focused might not be the right approach! Surely this is heresy! Learn more on Page 31.

    • Discover whether the business might be built on the wrong foundations and what to do about it. Chapter 3. Don't worry, it's not too late to change!

    • Five major problems that destroy many new ventures after two or three years - learn how to avoid that same fate and turn them to your advantage. Chapter 4.

    • Dirt cheap method of motivating a team that can be summed up in two short words. Page 129.

    • How adopting this approach will give the business a roadmap and direction for years to come. Page 97.

    • The TAF test to predict the chances of staying the course and keeping motivated. Page 43.

    • The not-so-obvious reason that you just can’t get the staff – and how to fix it. Page 47.

    • Seven benefits that can make the return on investment of this little book sky-high – lasting for years or decades. Chapter 5.

    • How to set yourself apart even without a track record. Page 16.

    • How to tap into one of Einstein’s major insights by implementing this approach. If you only implement one thing, make sure it's this! See Page 57.

    • How you may have got staff motivation completely upside down and inside out. Page 59.

    • Can you really inspire staff when you’re not charismatic, haven’t got an MBA or done a leadership course? Yes you can. Page 67.

    • One simple question that could transform your whole way of looking at what you do and how you plan your business. Page 54.

    • An incredible way to attract and retain customers. Page 101.

    • A little-known key to delegating effectively that will transform your workload – in a good way! Page 63.

    • Create a queue of the right staff wanting to be hired and the right customers wanting to buy. Page 66.

    • The #1 mistake to avoid at all costs. Page 70.

    • How this approach might make you more innovative than you ever thought possible. Page 63.

    • Four levels of purpose that will allow you to inspire yourself and others at the right level. Page 81.

    • A brilliant tool used by many fast-growing companies, including Amazon, and how to use it to refine your purpose fuel, give a clear focus and drive real tangible results. Page 139.

    • Two tools to help you stack motivation so that you are never short of inspiration. Page 130.

    • How to empower customers to sell your products and services to themselves! Page 103.

    • Three types of purpose you DON'T need to have if you want a simple life! Page 108.

    • What purpose is NOT and why most people get completely confused and miss the point – but you won’t! Page 111.

    • How to keep going. Page 97.

    • Sounds too good to be true? There's some evidence for the sceptics on Page 105.

    • You're right - that's a lot of benefit from a short book.

      And it's really just the tip of the iceberg.

      And it gets better, because you're also getting...

    An Advanced Method For

    • Embedding your messages in other peoples’ heads using a technique as old as the hills

    • Taking advantage of how our brains are wired – now proven by neuroscience!

    • That you can use again and again, never getting bored, boring or stale...

    Yes, I Want The Book
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  • Especially Good For People Who Hate “Selling”

    Listen. If you don’t like “sales”, you’re not alone. I can’t stand it either. (Did I mention I’m an accountant by training? Not renowned for their in-your-face sales skills!)

    And that’s what I love about this purpose-fuelled approach. The whole sales process, mindset, and narrative is completely transformed.

    You don’t need to sell.

    When you adopt this approach, two things will happen.

    First, you’ll be genuine in your conversations. You’ll not have to compromise yourself or come over all "icky". Whether they buy anything from you right then will actually become less of an issue.

    This is really important because it sets you up for a genuine long-term relationship. A long-term customer, in your long-term business will make a massive difference to your bottom line.

    You see, you will build up a customer base of what I call “sticky” customers, you won’t be just making a sale.

    The next thing you’ll notice is this:

    You’ll Know How To Make More Sales!

    And you’ll do it without any pressure, with enthusiasm, with interest and probably without talking much about the actual products and services at all!

    You’ll know instinctively after a brief chat whether they will become great customers or not.

    You’ll be able to talk enthusiastically about your key differentiators as freshly on day 365 as you did on day one.

    You’ll tap into the innate motivation in most people, including your customers, to buy in to what you do.

    Your prospect will actually do the selling to themselves for you!

    This approach is so ludicrously simple, that you’ll enjoy it and be relaxed too. It taps into the way our brains are wired. You’re no longer pushing against a closed door.

    Here's what to do next

    The “cost” of this book is £4.99, and you get it instantly as a download.

    As soon as you place your order, you’ll get an automated receipt with a link to download the book directly in your email.

    You can access it anywhere, immediately, without having to wait.

    Oh, and in case you’re wondering…


    I realise that this is very inexpensive…so you might wonder what the “catch” is.

    And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they automatically stick you on some subscription that charges your card every month.

    This isn’t one of them.

    There’s NO hidden “subscription programme” that you have to try or anything like that.

    I’m literally giving you these insights in this book for £4.99, as a means of getting this into people’s hands and demonstrating that I might, just might, have something worthwhile to share.

    My hope is that you’ll love it and feel inspired by it – (well inspired by yourself, actually) – and that there might be the possibility of having a working relationship over the coming years.

    But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

    Time Is Of The Essence

    In most cases, I make a loss when selling the book at this price.

    I expect it to be costing me over £21.00 in advertising expenses to sell one book.

    So why would I do that? (I thought this guy said he was an accountant!?)

    Simple. I’m offering you this with the idea that in reading it you’ll be taking the time to understand the approach and how it could apply to you. Then if it resonates with you, you might like some more personalised help from me.

    I’m confident that you’ll enjoy what's in this book and you’ll get why I’m excited about it too.

    You see, I’m in this for the long term and I want to work with people that are looking to build their businesses for the long term and want to build it around a core purpose.

    Anyway, with that all said, this is a limited offer. I can only work with a few people at a time and I’d like those to be people who are like-minded and on my wavelength. If you love what you discover in the book, then maybe you’re that sort of person.

    You’re Also Getting Advanced Training, Free.

    During this training, I’ll walk you through the key tools and techniques in the book and how you can apply them.

    And there’s no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book. I want to make sure you’ve grasped what it’s all about.

    Oh. And in case you’re wondering…                             


    Of course, there’s a money-back guarantee.

    In fact, I think it’s…

    The Best Guarantee I Can Give

    I guarantee 100% that you’ll get something valuable and useful from the book and the training or I’ll return your £4.99 and let you keep the book and the training anyway.

    That’s right. You don’t even have to send anything back. Just email me and I’ll give you back your £4.99 with no questions asked.

    How's that for fair?

    This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before The Advertising Budget Is Spent!

    I guarantee 100% that you’ll get something valuable and useful from the book and the training or I’ll return your £4.99 and let you keep the book and the training anyway.

    That’s right. You don’t even have to send anything back. Just email me and I’ll give you back your £4.99 with no questions asked.

    How's that for fair?

    Yes, Send Me The Book

    Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

    Andy Turnbull

    P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter to find the price and save yourself some time, here’s the deal:

    I’m offering you a short book that outlines how you can turn your business into one that is meaningful, fulfilling and inspiring for you, your team and your customers and build it for the long term…even if you’ve had no business or leadership training.

    The book is £4.99.

    That’s it.

    I’m also walking you through a whole range of tools and techniques with some free training to help you get a great return on your time.

    What’s important is that you’ll be able to attract the right people – your team and your customers - who’ll love what you do and be as committed to it as you are. I’ve seen it work time and again over the last 30 years.

    This is a very limited offer because it’s basically a marketing test and I have a limited advertising budget and limited capacity to help those people that might want it.

    There is no “catch” to this offer. You will not be signing up for any trial to any software or monthly subscription. It’s a one-off cost, no hidden recurring charge.

    In fact, if you don’t like the book, just let me know and I’ll give back the £4.99. You don’t even need to send the book back (and it’s digital anyway, so what would be the point?!)

    Click the button and claim your copy now. I don't think you'll regret it.

    Yes, Send Me The Book

    Transform Your Business With A

    Purpose-Fuelled Pivot 

    Here are 3 ways in which you could transform your business with this approach...

    • Enthusiastic alignment across all key areas of your business...

    • Fulfilling and satisfying work, even on a bad day...

    • Clear measures of success, shared goals and a committed team...

    About Andy

    Author of Purpose Fuelled Profits

    I've written this book to help business owners who want to find their work fulfilling, satisfying and meaningful, without compromising the bottom line. This book is about using that sense of purpose to fuel yourself and the business for years to come.

    • Worked with purpose fuelled people for decades

    • Business coach for small and medium businesses

    • Author of Finding Meaning at Work

    Every business owner had a reason and purpose for starting a business. This book is about helping you to tap into yours to fuel it for the future.

    Andy Turnbull Signature
    Andy Turnbull Purpose Driven Business Coach
    Purpose-Fuelled Profits Downloadable Book

    This book is for you if...

  • You want a business that grows with you over the long term - you're not looking for a grow-it-and-sell-it quick fix.

  • You want to look back at your working life and say "that was worthwhile".

  • You've realised that, like most business owners, you're not in it solely to maximise profit. So how to make the most of that fact?

  • You're looking for an authentic way to differentiate your business whilst still being true to yourself.

  • Purpose Fuel Works For Any Business


    Marketing Agency


    Beauty Therapy


    Law Firm





    Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs

    And Many More...

    You're Protected With 100% Money Back Guarantee

    Try Purpose-Fuelled Profits Risk Free

    If you get NO VALUE whatsoever from the book, then feel free to email me for a full refund. You'll not only get the book to keep, but you'll get any of the extra training that comes along with it. That's right, if for any reason Purpose-Fuelled Profits gives you no value whatsoever, I will gladly refund you the money, without any questions asked.

    Money Back Guarantee

    Your Questions Regarding Purpose-Fuelled Profits Answered

  • Do I need to have a business already?

  • If you don't have a business already, then in many ways you are at an advantage! You can build a purpose-fuelled business from the ground up from day one. You can build it based on the rock solid foundations of a personally meaningful, fulfilling and motivating core purpose which you'll love, your customers will buy into and your team will commit to.  It's good that you've found this book now!

  • I've got a successful business - can this approach help me?

  • If you are feeling unfulfilled by your business, or are struggling with many of the problems which we identify in the book, then a compelling core purpose could help. You don't need to do a wholesale Purpose-Fuelled Pivot, if you don't want to. Instead you can weave in more elements related to your core purpose over time as it becomes clearer.

  • Can I get business coaching support to help me implement this fully?

  • Yes, of course. However my capacity is limited, so do get in touch early. Much of what is covered in the book you can do yourself - I've written it that way. However having a sounding board and independent external support to implement a plan over several months can be invaluable. You'll be building a different culture, maybe restructuring, maybe adapting your leadership approach and management style. Maybe you'll change or adapt your product range or overhaul your marketing messages and approach. See how you get on with the book and drop me a line.

  • I'm not clear on my purpose - will this book help?

  • Yes, the book does not assume that you have a ready-made purpose all ready to go. Instead it assumes that you may be able to find one and there are a number of exercises to explore what a core purpose might look like for you. If you need more help, just drop me a line.

  • Can you speak to my team about this approach?

  • Yes, of course, I'm happy to speak with your team and guide them through the tools and exercises in the book and/or facilitate the team's discussion so that you don't have to, or so that you can be a participant for a change.

    Don't Want To Read The Whole Thing?

    Purpose Fuelled Profits Book Download

    Here's The Gist Of Everything You Need To Know

    • I am offering a book that shows you how to build a business fuelled by a compelling core purpose. The book is £4.99.

    • The book is supported by some free training to help you get results faster and easier.

    • There is a guarantee - I'll give you your money back if you find nothing of use or interest in the book - just let me know.

    • This is a Limited Time Offer as I have a limited advertising budget and limited capacity to provide one-to-one coaching to interested business owners.

    Book Price: £4.99

    Yes, I Want The Book
  • Your transaction is 100% secured.

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